Drama & Theatre II







Posted by amir.e at 5:40 PM 0 comments
"Harmonizing Art and Technology"
thats the theme for this year Digital Art Competition(DAC) and i can proudly say that im one of the finalists for the photography category.....
Posted by amir.e at 2:56 AM 0 comments
now the ceremony can begin......
i never thought that handling the technical side of an event can be so complicating and so complex until i joined media class on the 5th of september....
Posted by amir.e at 10:21 AM 0 comments
from 8 mp to 12 mp,
from compact to dslr,
from Ixus to Eos,
from Canon to Canon......
finally after been using compact camera for all my life.....i finally able to take it to the next level....a digital single lens reflex camera also known as DSLR....on 18th july 09, i bought(well, actually my dad bought) a camera known as Canon EOS 450D at Low Yat Plaza.....i sacrificed my evening from watching MU vs Malaysia for this purpose......but its really worth it
with this new camera, i think im ready to improve and enhance my photography skills after years of learning basics and fundamentals of photography from a compact camera.....not to say that compact camera is a piece of junk, but your options are really limited when using it.
i have used many cameras before this one
here are some brief history bout the camera that i worked with...
Olympus Camedia D-390
Canon Ixus 75
Canon Ixus 860IS
Canon Eos 450D(now...)
if you want to see some of the output that i produced by these cameras, you may visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/ehsanphotog/
after aquired this camera, i hope that im able to produce better images, enhance my skills and fill my free time more....
ok....thats all for now.....until the next time.....salam
Posted by amir.e at 10:26 PM 0 comments
on the 22nd june, i finally made it to mjsc kuala lipis.....after more than a year i never been there.....and the best part of all....i dont have to take the bus....bawak kete....yeay
my journey begin at 10am after waiting 2 long hours for isyam n the gang to arrive at tmn melati.....well, cant really blame them becoz they're not from kl after all.....we actually arrived at lipis at 12.10(i really cant believe that it only took me 2 hours to get there)....we arrive exactly with the other two groups....(well, not excatly la coz they actually waited for us, hehe).....smpai2 je kat lipis, first thing first, spm certificate n sijil2 tertunggak....
Posted by amir.e at 9:15 AM 0 comments
salam....ari ni mmg satu ari yg hepi, enxpected, hectic n tiring day so far dlm cuti aku ni.....perkara yg telah terjadi mmg diluar dugaan aku dimana satu ari yg biasa telah mnjadi agak luar biasa....
mulanya aku nk kuar n tgok wayang ngan bdak skola lme(smktm) aku....ok la tu kan...tgok cite jangan pndang blakang congkak....cite die aku je la bg aku...agak klaka la gak....dh abis tgok wyng tu....mmber aku kt mrsm yg kini berada di rawang telepon kate"wei...ko kt klcc ke? pasal x nmpak ko?"
ah sudah....aku tgh elok2 dok ngan member aku, member dr skola laen plak nk jmpe...tp die xnk jmpe sbb die tgh 'sibuk' dgn 'membernya'. ok....xpe la...setel. aku bole truskan agenda aku sndiri ngan mmber aku td....
baru je ingat dh setel....mmber aku yg sme plkn plak telepon..."wei, ari ni ada reunion bdak2 kem kte kat klcc.....jom la join skali".....yg ni masalah sikit....aku dh letih dh n kalo bole nk balik cepat sikit.....tp cara bdak tu ajak mmg mcm aku ni bsalah plak kalo x pegi....then aku terpaksa la ckp kt mmber yg ada ngan aku tu yg nk pegi reunion bla3......aku rse mcm bsalah plak kat die sbb aku abandon die mcm tu je.....tp naseb baik la die paham dgn situasi aku ni.....harap x terambik ati....
then....on the way nk ke reunion tu(kat tmn klcc).....jmpe plak mmber aku kt utp.....wargh.......kalo die ajak kuar gak mmg aku bole naek gile la....tp naseb baek die x ajak lepak pon....lega rsenya.......then aku pegi la reunion aku tu.....xde la special mane.....gathering dlm 8-9 org je.....enjoy la gak skejap kat situ......
Posted by amir.e at 10:10 PM 0 comments
Pergh……. Lme gile la x update blog aku ni...dh 3 bulan….besawang dh... ..mngkin aku sibuk sgt di utp kot dan internet connection yg amat slow telah mndorong aku untuk xdpt mengupdatekan blog aku. Xpe2 aku akan cube tulis balik benda pnting yg aku ingat dlm update blog ni…..
First and foremost….aku nk cite psal esq seminar yg diadakan di utp pada 5 april…..kepada yg x penah pegi esq lg….my nasihat is……silalah PERGI....bnyk benda n kesedaran dalaman yg anda boleh perolehi di sana….nk cerita ape dia ajar, xleh btau sbb benda ni pengalaman….kene experience sendiri baru tau ape rsenya…..bru “syok”…serius x tipu….mmg berbaloi la rm300 aku laburkan…..tp kalo mmber aku azfar tu….mngkin x la kot…..hehe jgn marah azfar…..
esq seminar
Then aku nk cite pasal medtech photoshoot yg diadakan oleh photography team dari creative media department pd 20 april. Sume ahli photo team kene jd photographer….so, ni first time la aku jd photographer untuk photoshoot(bangga2)….tp aku hanya pakai Canon Ixus 860IS digital compact camera je….yg lain sume pkai dslr yg mantap2 belaka…..siap dgn speedlite lg….terhina rsenya aku ni…..tp nsib baek mr pres backup aku dgn brkate “Kalo korang pakai dslr pon bukan bermakna korang bagus, kdg2 org yg pakai compact camera(aku) pon bole capture gamba yg lg bagus….” Trharu aku dgr…..
antara hasil tngkapanku....
mr pres tgh posing...
kami warga medtech...
Then sbelum study week….aku n rakan2 aku pegi la outing kat
laptopku....yg kini 4GB ram
Ok….skang nk citer pasal final exam plak…..selepas abis study week, ktorng start final exam ktorng pd 25 mei smpai la 29 mei……mula2 emath….puas hati la dgn ape yg aku dh jwb……next kimia…..mmg ktorng satu batch telah mnghadapi penyiksaan mutlak beramai2 dari kertas kimia yg hanya bersaiz A4 tu……susah die tahap dewa la……huuuh……..next English, soalan die sng je tp jwb slow sgt sbb tgh migraine…..icis plak berlangsung kat kutub utara…..dewan tu mmg sejuk la…nk tulis pon mnderita….aku pon buat la cepat2 dan blah awal…..last skali fizik….soalan die x susah mne…tp xtau nape pening aku nk mnjawabnya…..last2 skali bole kire puas ati la ngan ape yg aku jwb……..dgn yg demikian….maka tamat la Foundation Studies aku kt UTP..(harap2 x repeat la) hehe…….
harap2 study week aku ni berbaloi la...
Skang ni aku dh cuti dan berada di rumah……plan aku mse cuti ni ialah untuk kurangkan tido…hehe…..satu lg aku cube nk dpt approval untuk ke kuala lipis dgn kete nnti….harap2 dpt la…..sori la zul…ko xdpt nk ikut….hehe (by the way, ko akan mndapat surat saman nnti sbb bilik bsepah mse ko blah….hehe….sori la…xdpt nk tolong)…..ok la…aku nk stop dlu dan aku akan cube untuk mngupdatekan blog ini dari semasa ke semasa….
Until the next time….salam
Posted by amir.e at 2:56 PM 0 comments
Posted by amir.e at 1:48 PM 0 comments
dikala aku tgh dok boring2 ni.....aku tetiba rse nk tulis pasal time aku kat mrsm dlu......so, aku tulis je la......nk start dr mne ek?........start dr mula2 la. aku lari dari sekolah lme aku sbb aku mmg x tahan ngan skolah tu....teruk giler. mmg nasib baek la aku dpt masuk mrsm........aku ingat aku daftar mrsm kuala lipis pd 20 feb 2006 kalo x silap.......aku ingat lg kene masuk minggu misra......bnyk la bende yg ktorng kene buat time tu.......ade tour dlm mktb, meeting homerooom, exam, mcm lg la.....abih je tu, ktorng pon start la kelas......aku dpt masuk kelas A sbb aku amik account. ade 30 org dlm kelas aku, 18 je yg amik account....mse first day kelas, aku ingat lg monitor kelas aku, joe, kte........"wei...pegi lecture kat LS wei". aku pon pikir, "lecture? lecture ape? LS tu pekebende?" pastu baru la aku tau yg LS tu learning studio n ade lecture every 2 minggu. pergh, rse mcm kat u la plak.....aku rse bngga dok kat sini
Posted by amir.e at 9:56 PM 0 comments
pd 24 jan 09, aku ngan member2 aku yg dok kat utp nk mncuba sesuatu yg baru.....sesuatu yg kte x penah cuba lg....iaitu pegi ipoh naek bas....(xpenah lg pegi ipoh sbb slalunya asyik pegi tmn maju je, dh muak dh tgok tmpt tu). kitorng naek bas dlm kul 9.30. keadaan bas? pergh mcm masuk tin sadin. mmg ngam2 muat je la (sbenanya dh biasa masuk bas tin sadin mse kt mktb dulu)
smpai kt ipoh, ktorng pegi ipoh parade......saje je nk jalan2. mmber aku sorang tu x puas ati sbb x jumpe kedai henpon kat situ. so....ktorng pon pegi la jalan kaki kat bandar ipoh. jalan kaki punye la jauh sbb nk cari satu tempat yg bernama kompleks yik foong. tmpt tu lebih kurang mcm low yat yg ade kat kl tu la.....jual henpon, komputer n lain2
Posted by amir.e at 3:29 PM 2 comments
Posted by amir.e at 11:49 PM 2 comments
setelah beberapa consideration.......akhirnya aku pon mulalah career aku sbagai pemblog yg x bertauliah......
oleh yg demikian......silalah beri tunjuk dan ajar......
aku xtau blog aku ni akan mnjadi atau tidak....tp at least aku try
so.....wish me luck
Posted by amir.e at 11:14 PM 0 comments
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