Drama & Theatre II
ok.....here i just wanted update my blog because suddenly i have a free time eventhough im in the middle of the examination weeks......anyway....here i just want to show and share about my drama and theatre final assesment....
the technicians during the performance
actually there is not much to talk about.....but what i liked about the drama and theatre so much is the people that i worked with.....i love working with them as most of them i can say "masuk air"....
the director monitoring the rehearsal...
during the rehearsal
before the performance
the story we picked for our drama presentation is Tuah and Jebat : The Mafia.... the drama is played using the concept of realism and experimentalism(i dun want to explain what they are).... we performed our drama on the 7th November
to reduce pressure before the performance
the director and his assistant
we have a great time during the rehearsal and performance eventhough we faced many difficulties and problems on the way......but its all worth it.....eventhough im not on of the actors......but working as a technician is considered as an important role for the production....
Tuah Jebat Production....its a wrap
after the performance, my ko-q drama & theatre II is finally over and i hope to obtain a solid A for this......thats all for now, until the next time.....salam